Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My trip to England

My dream was to spend one year in the USA,but its really expensive.My mom told me I should go to England for a few months but I never wanted to go there.
But then my mom told me sooo much about England so I spend one day with her and a few of my friends in London.
Now I´m deeply in love with England.
Someday I wrote a school and asked them if I can come for 3 months.They wrote me the fees,but it was soooo expensive.But they told me that I can come for 1/2 months 
and work in the kindergarten.I said yes.
I´m so exited,because in 4 weeks my adventure starts:) 
With this post I want to say that everything can come true! 
I fought for this for years and now I can finally leave for a few months.

If you have a dream you should fight for it and you should never stop believe in you and your dreams.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Life is full of surprises

Losing important people is always sad.But it happens...
I lost a lot of good friends and it took some time to get over it,but somehow I managed it.
I got a lot of new friends I really love.
People come and go.Thats life
But what I want to say is that life is full of surprises.You just have to wait...:)

Friday, March 15, 2013


Hello whoever you are(:

First I wanna say something about myself.
My name is Louisa.I love chocolate,cupcakes,art and happy faces(:
I hate school and love dancing (Hip Hop) and wakeboarding,if you don´t know what wakeboarding is you should google it.I´m the laziest person ever! My favorite color is pink!
I really like it to make people smile,it always makes me happy too(:
I cant stand it when people think sooo negative.
I live in my own little world and I don´t like it when people come and trying to destroy it
or my dreams.I know so many people who are just mean and they would do anything
to make other peoples life horrible.
I think one of the best things you can have is: Your Bff and your family.

I dont really know what to say now...So yeah
when you read this: Stay Beautiful(: